I seem to be having a dry run for old age...at least I hope it is a dry run. After my torn ligaments back in May I am - finally - now mobile again. However I have now lost my hearing. I have become completely deaf in one ear and, whilst this may have a positive side, the negative seriously outweighs it. I have religiously been pouring warm olive oil in my ear several times a day but even after this warm-up exercise ear syringing was unsuccessful...more oil, more waiting, more missed gossip until they will make a second foray. I am unsure what happens if this mission is unsuccessful - do I remain deaf? Meantime I am "re-assured" by my friends to watch out for the next sign of ageing and to stock up on Tena Lady! Such reassurance I could live without....Friends? who needs 'em?
In theory, now I am shut off from the world I should be able to settle down and write undisturbed. But reality inevitably is somewhat different..I prowl like a restless animal, constantlly attempting to clear my ears, constantly disappointed...Instead I settle into the next Mark Billingham novel and wait...
In theory, now I am shut off from the world I should be able to settle down and write undisturbed. But reality inevitably is somewhat different..I prowl like a restless animal, constantlly attempting to clear my ears, constantly disappointed...Instead I settle into the next Mark Billingham novel and wait...