The selling continues in earnest. It is one thing writing and producing books. It is quite another telling everyone about them and persuading people other than friends and family to part with their money. We have had reasonable success and now have our books on sale in retail outlets in Oxford - including Christ Church College, Blackwell's, Albion Beatnik, The Book House, Flaggs, as well as locations around the county - Woodstock, Blewbury, Burford, Abingdon and next weekend we start market trading in Wallingford.
Wallingford Local Producers Market will be our first market and it is hard to know what to expect. I, inevitably have focused on the non-key issues. I have decided that the day will be impossible without a "proper" market trader's money bag so have ordered one up in shocking you should be able to spot me if you come to the market. Whilst this is a definite trial run I hope we have some success and can at last meet some of our potential readers!
We have also booked some Christmas markets too - at Radley College (Sobell House Christmas Fair) the last weekend of November; the Green Party Fair in Oxford Town Hall on 1 December & Wallingford Town Christmas Market on Sunday 2 December. Do come and support us!
I am also writing an article for Costwold Life about the journey our group has made from writers to publishers which should appear at the end of the year.
This self-publishing lark is a veritable roller-coaster that seems to be creating its own momentum!
Wallingford Local Producers Market will be our first market and it is hard to know what to expect. I, inevitably have focused on the non-key issues. I have decided that the day will be impossible without a "proper" market trader's money bag so have ordered one up in shocking you should be able to spot me if you come to the market. Whilst this is a definite trial run I hope we have some success and can at last meet some of our potential readers!
We have also booked some Christmas markets too - at Radley College (Sobell House Christmas Fair) the last weekend of November; the Green Party Fair in Oxford Town Hall on 1 December & Wallingford Town Christmas Market on Sunday 2 December. Do come and support us!
I am also writing an article for Costwold Life about the journey our group has made from writers to publishers which should appear at the end of the year.
This self-publishing lark is a veritable roller-coaster that seems to be creating its own momentum!